

2017年3月下旬、那須のスキー場近くで、教員に引率された7校の高校生山岳部のグループが雪崩にあい、8人(生徒7人、教師1人)が死亡し、40人が重軽傷を負う事故があった。 以下、雪山登山の観点からその論点をまとめる。



What happened in the high-school group's avalanche accident in Nasu

On 27 March 2017, a group of high-school students in Japan lead by teachers encountered an avalanche near the Nasu ski-resort, and 8 people (7 students and 1 teacher) died, and 40 were injured. Here I discuss what happened and how from a viewpoint of the winter mountain activity.

Although there are still many things yet to be known or reported, the overall picture has been established fairly well by the time of writing. I here present and discuss the facts which are certain and which are deduced to be likely, separately.


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